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Chess Game


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My name is Sideesh Reddy and I am rated chess player. I learned chess from various tutors but SM chess academy was the one I stuck with throughout my time playing chess. In Spite of playing chess on a competitive level and participating in chess competition on a national level I stopped in myp 3 because I needed to start concentrating more on my studies. Developing this website will not only help me revisit the sport I'm most passionate about but also help spread knowledge to other chess enthusiasts.


The goal of this website is to encourage beginner and intermediate level chess players, who play chess as a hobby to start playing it professionally.  To achieve this goal we included pages on chess tactics, chess opennings, and articles about inspiring chess players to motivate them to get better at the game.


Chess Board
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Chess Game


Under this section I included some chess terminology that you need to know in order to understand most of the other pages on this website:

Castling is a simultaneous move in chess in which a previously undisturbed King moves two squares toward an untouched Rook, and the Rook is moved to the opposite side of the King.

Check: A move that targets the opponent's King.

Checkmate is a move in which the opponent's King is attacked and the opponent is unable to escape.

Black's first move, or a series of movements taken to defend a piece or position that is under attack.

When a shielding piece or pawn is moved out of the way, a line-piece gives a discovered check.

The stage of the game with the fewest pieces or when the Queens are exchanged and the middle game is completed.

En passant: A unique way of capture available exclusively to pawns on rank five.

File: The board's eight vertical columns, numbered a to h.

A chess opening in which a player offers a pawn (or more) in exchange for quick development and assault.

The Queen or the Rook is the most important piece.

A match is a set of games.

The middlegame is the section of the game that comes after the opener.

Bishop or Knight is a minor piece.

Notation: A way of recording chess moves using rank, file, and piece.

Opening: About a dozen moves at the start of the game.

When a pawn reaches the opposite side of the board (i.e. the 8th rank) and is unable to travel any further, it is promoted. Then, with the exception of the king, it becomes any other piece on the board.

The eight horizontal rows on the board, numbered 1 to 8, are called ranks.

To resign means to admit defeat in a game. It is customary to resign by knocking over one's King, stopping the clock, shaking hands, or announcing "I resign."

Sacrifice: The deliberate loss of material in order to achieve a more essential outcome.

Stalemate: A situation in which a player isn't in check but can't make any legal movements. In modern chess, the result is a draw.

Threefold Repetition: If the same position occurs three times, or will occur after their next move, with the same player to move, a player can claim a draw. The repeating positions do not have to be in order.

Zugzwang: A situation in which the player who must move loses because they must move.

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